HK rioters escaped to UK now very cham; deserved it.

They escaped with BNO passports to UK. But UK hope BNO passport holders are rich immigrants, not this type of poor criminals from HK.   

HKees can't find jobs because most firms see them as trouble makers. They are rejected for jobs. They could only work at low salaries as food deliverers, cleaners, etc. But Britons find HKees are competing for their jobs and brought down their salary level. Most landlords also refused to rent house for them unless they pay one full year's rentals in advance.    

They can only live in the street in the cold winter from day to day. One brought in some money but all spent away fast.    

[+] 1 user Likes webinarian's post

so do they now hv all the freedom and human rights they wanted?
[+] 2 users Like WhatDoYouThink?'s post

(28-12-2021, 11:09 AM)kokee Wrote:  those  who can migrate are middle to upper class fo HK people, sold their HK property for few 10 millions to get their freedom.
commies here use BS communist fake & lie video, only brainless cannot analyse believe their lies in almost all their posts.
how about HK people their cpf? due to HSI is almost the worst index this yr, every HK cpf member lost $5400 this yr? how about next yr or so? money still there or robbers took it?
all the moronic commies here can only rely on personal lies in all their own threads, why? because only morons believe in all their moronic fake lies.
china not pokai now? try every means & ways to dig & rob now.



惊人的原因: 为什么香港具有极好的民主化基础,却出现“民主变独裁”的倒退?

惊人的原因: 为什么香港具有极好的民主化基础,却出现“民主变独裁”的倒退?

HK people can afford to migrate, migrated, real hero fight for their belief in HK, jailed. left old & poor HK people stay back to suffer their communist life eventually.
many HK people on their way to run road before they cant even run like china people today. many rich china want to migrate but ccp want all their wealth before they leave. slavery.
for their children future instead of stay back to kena brainwash, dump their property & go, UK, canada, malaysia, australia or spore.





Kokee enjoying life in China.

CcP dont wan them…they leave China…CCP cry father cry mother…

make up ur stupid mind lah.. Thinking

(04-01-2022, 12:56 PM)pervertosan Wrote:  CcP dont wan them…they leave China…CCP cry father cry mother…

make up ur stupid mind lah.. Thinking

If CCP don't want them, and they leave China, why would the CCP cry father cry mother...? Clapping
[+] 1 user Likes debono's post

Still early days. We don't know dat.
We ourselves might b beri chiam
we follow the Brit.
God saves the queen.
we mati mati must b GREEN. Pokkai.

(04-01-2022, 12:25 PM)kokee Wrote:  HK people can afford to migrate, migrated, real hero fight for their belief in HK, jailed. left old & poor HK people stay back to suffer their communist life eventually.
many HK people on their way to run road before they cant even run like china people today. many rich china want to migrate but ccp want all their wealth before they leave. slavery.
for their children future instead of stay back to kena brainwash, dump their property & go, UK, canada, malaysia, australia or spore.




You posted a video from a "香港懒人包Lazy Pack HK". Who is he? From 法轮功Falungong, is it?  Credible? Looks like this cunning person is just trying to promote his "training business".  

[Image: BNO01.png]

See this news from Yahoo, why they hold protest in Manchester? Can not get Visa in UK, right?  

[Image: BNO02.png]

[+] 1 user Likes webinarian's post

May be his business is to train people to be drivers in UK, lah.  


(04-01-2022, 12:32 PM)kokee Wrote:  mooronic communist source compared living in china & US, but today almost all rich in china want to migrate & their 1st choice is US, what a joke.
most rich & top leaders of china, their family members & asset almost all in US, why? US living is like heaven to them compared to china.
only brainless here brainwash by all these moronic communist lies & twisted nonsense.
the 2 photos above is just example, today in china there are much worse condition than that environment, aplenty, google yourselves.

so many china rich want to expose their property & run road to US but in vain under communist regime.
so HK & china people, who is more cham now?
why almost all the rich & top leaders of china, their family members either in US or swiss bank? simple, they dont trust ccp china. same to all commie dogs here, you think they have 1 cts in china? dont talk about migrate their family there & let their children be slaves?



(04-01-2022, 01:37 PM)kokee Wrote:  so many china rich want to expose their property & run road to US but in vain under communist regime.
so HK & china people, who is more cham now?
why almost all the rich & top leaders of china, their family members either in US or swiss bank? simple, they dont trust ccp china. same to all commie dogs here, you think they have 1 cts in china? dont talk about migrate their family there & let their children be slaves?



This is just a property market news. China doesn't promote such bubble in property market. China only interested in manufacturing solid industry.  

Migration already is there since our parents and grand parents generation. Your post has no relevance to the HK rioters.   

This is not relevant to the topic.  



(04-01-2022, 12:56 PM)pervertosan Wrote:  CcP dont wan them…they leave China…CCP cry father cry mother…

make up ur stupid mind lah.. Thinking

U are the type CCP like the most.


(04-01-2022, 01:11 PM)debono Wrote:  If CCP don't want them, and they leave China, why would the CCP cry father cry mother...? Clapping

I don't care those low standard and just ignore their cry father cry mother.  

But if they put up reasons to challenge my comments then I respond.  


People should be free to go where they choose.

When people move for whatever reasons some do well some do poorly.

People should not be vindictive to wish others ill
These protestors disagree with the way China runs HK and had to flee as China took a hardline.

Some will struggle in new environment as they do not speak the language well or have qualifications .

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

(04-01-2022, 01:48 PM)Niubee Wrote:  U are the type CCP like the most.

牛屄 Laughing

(04-01-2022, 01:11 PM)debono Wrote:  If CCP don't want them, and they leave China, why would the CCP cry father cry mother...? Clapping

u ask TS lor…everyday kpkb about people leaving hkg…and act very concerned about their welfare in other countries

I only have 1 thread on HK rioters in UK. Don't lie about everyday doing it.

[+] 1 user Likes webinarian's post

now these honkan rioters cry mother cry father in england, why their fanboys supporters dun help ha? they die their business is it? really df
[+] 1 user Likes WhatDoYouThink?'s post

(04-01-2022, 02:22 PM)pervertosan Wrote:  牛屄 Laughing

The stupid type.. Laughing


(04-01-2022, 02:44 PM)WhatDoYouThink? Wrote:  now these honkan rioters cry mother cry father in england, why their fanboys supporters dun help ha? they die their business is it? really df

u so concerned u go help lor…everyday.come forum to curse other Chinese…really hj thinking

(04-01-2022, 02:40 PM)webinarian Wrote:  I only have 1 thread on HK rioters in UK. Don't lie about everyday doing it. 


u and that Shitdestroyer…clones what..he post what is u post what

Don't talk about others that I have no control.

Show proof of them talk every day!!!


(04-01-2022, 03:04 PM)pervertosan Wrote:  u so concerned u go help lor…everyday.come forum to curse other Chinese…really hj thinking

where got concerned? just wonder why you dun help these hj who are the same as you  Laughing

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