Healthcare worker explains why she gave up and stresses ...

Stressed Healthcare Worker

Finally, I have decided to throw in the towel and call in a day after working for nearly a decade as an allied healthcare worker in a public hospital. It’s probably late but I think it’s never too late to change direction.

Had I not been exposed to the rotten core of the upper management so early, had I still been sheltered from the fake reality of it all, had I not seen the painted façade of that upper echelons of management, I probably would still carry on in oblivion, believing whatever I sacrifice my life for has a greater meaning underneath.

Alas, the hospital management is more interested in generating profits, in optics, in curated public images than in staff welfare. They’d rather prioritise retail space over staff welfare by taking out a pantry when constructing a certain new building.

This is the core source of my disillusion. Fighting the fatigue of spending hours dispensing medications and serving patients feel less exhausting than the putting up a fake persona of efficiency and productivity to please the upper management.

If I am the HR/ BOSSES in the hospital, I will do the following:
(Instead of asking us to call counselling hotline and spamming our emails with brainwashed messages)

1) Round up all the patient-fronting staff, ask them what other projects they have on hands and how many of these projects are done after work hours. Strike 95 per cent of those projects off. Allocate time for the remaining 5 percent during work hours. The other 95 percent passes to Operation staff who has no patient facing pressure.

2) Employ more locums so full-time staff will have no weekends and PHs. We are bone and flesh humans that need to spend time with family and not machines to be exploited.

3) Reduce unnecessary eLearnings, extraneous courses for staff: Data security, customer services etc… especially if those courses are conducted over the weekends. Basically, stop operating like an airline or a hotel business, when you are an essential service. You don’t need to pretend every patient is a high paying customer when 80 percent of them are on MediFund. It adds unnecessary stress to front facing staff. We prefer to be effective, polite and still be able to maintain our dignity as healthcare staff.

4) Find out who are the nasty, micromanaging directors, HODs and banish them from their positions. Micromanagers are the worst. They complicate processes, add steps to simple workflows and create stress for everyone by lacking trust at every level.

I know deep down, the only people who will read “Stressed Health Care Worker” Post are other stressed-out Healthcare workers. The only people that can understand these frustrating sentiments are other Healthcare workers. But I hope this post offers some solace to those colleagues because your sentiments are not unique.

The fact that 1500 people left the first half of the year 2021 is a signal, a sign of an ongoing revolution, an upcoming rebellion. People are quiet, but they are not blind. If the management wants to stifle their voices, they will vote by their feet, by leaving…All the eyes that sit in that Ivory Tower are essentially nothing but eyes without the hands and feet labouring on the front line to sustain the Upper Management’s staggering bonuses. If you are reading this, Hospital Upper Management, can you ask yourself how many more months of bonuses do you reward yourself compared to the job grade lower than yours?

#Hospitalstaff #stressed #frontline #Healthcareworker #pharmacy

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

They really have to improve working conditions and management of our healthcare workers.

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

Quote: All the eyes that sit in that Ivory Tower are essentially nothing but eyes without the hands and feet labouring on the front line to sustain the Upper Management’s staggering bonuses. If you are reading this, Hospital Upper Management, can you ask yourself how many more months of bonuses do you reward yourself compared to the job grade lower than yours?

This one sounds very familiar…. To the PnP G?


(17-12-2021, 01:12 PM)Gstalk Wrote:  This one sounds very familiar…. To the PnP G?

monkeys see monkeys do. mentality is top down

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