Heng my households members and I test negative.

My own family members and I decided to do a art test on ourselves after 168 out of more than 200+ Singaporean relatives and friends self-test positive. Heng my own family members and I test negative.

all test are inaccurate

cause never did it properly as recommended

like this

[Image: rmtrl647tvd61.png]

Thank God

(27-01-2023, 08:55 PM)LupCheong Wrote:  My own family members and I decided to do a art test on ourselves after 168 out of more than 200+ Singaporean relatives and friends self-test positive. Heng my own family members and I test negative.

You may be tested negative of Covid-19, but with your persistent coughs, and sore throat, it may mean you could be infected with other disease.......better go get professional advice.............see a doctor.................. Big Grin

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