Here are 7 types of dilemmas in game theory:

Here are 7 types of dilemmas in game theory:

1. *Prisoner's Dilemma*: A classic game where two players can cooperate or defect, with conflicting interests.
2. *Stag Hunt*: A game where players must choose between a safe option and a risky option with higher potential reward.
3. *Tragedy of the Commons*: A game where multiple players share a resource, and each player's self-interest leads to depletion.
4. *Chicken Game*: A game where two players must choose between swerving or not swerving, with conflicting interests.
5. *Battle of the Sexes*: A game where two players have different preferences, and cooperation is difficult.
6. *Volunteer's Dilemma*: A game where a group must contribute to a public good, and each player's contribution is optional.
7. *Free Rider Problem*: A game where a group benefits from a public good, but each player's contribution is not necessary.

These dilemmas help game theorists understand the challenges of cooperation, conflict, and decision-making in various contexts.

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