Hire a chio maid to provide piak services too

Got a good idea for everyone here who is single.

Hire a chio maid to work for you. You can see the pictures of the maid from the maid agency before you choose her. Best is to choose those who are still single.

When she comes, you tell her you will be paying her double her salary. She don't need to do housework. She just need to let you piak everyday.

When you are not at home, she is free to go out shopping.

So good life she definelty wants

(22-06-2022, 11:42 PM)eugene Wrote:  Got a good idea for everyone here who is single.

Hire a chio maid to work for you. You can see the pictures of the maid from the maid agency before you choose her. Best is to choose those who are still single.

When she comes, you tell her you will be paying her double her salary. She don't need to do housework. She just need to let you piak everyday.

When you are not at home, she is free to go out shopping.

So good life she definelty wants

You know how expensive it is to hire a maid or not? You think it is $500-$600 is it?

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