Hong Kong corporate governance drop below Malaysia-China influence harms independence

Hong Kong will steadily deteriorate as China assert its influence and undermines strong independent institutional foundations.

Ranking is among Asian nations
“The independence of the judiciary and a stifling of the press and academia has also contributed to its current ranking,” the report said.
Hong Kong Chief Executive John Lee has repeatedly defended the merits of the security law and government officials have balked at the idea that Hong Kong is losing its stature as an international hub.

Meanwhile, Australia, which has ranked No 1 since 2016, kept its top spot. Japan jumped to No 2 for the first time since the study began thanks to its “strong” government reforms and efforts by the local stock exchange to improve governance, according to the report.

Singapore came third, tied with Taiwan, followed by Malaysia. BLOOMBERG

[Image: LAdwnLW.jpg]


I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

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