Ukrainian army had almost completed its withdrawal from Bachmut

On Friday morning, it appeared strongly that the Ukrainian army had almost completed its withdrawal from Bachmut. For several days it had been heard in Kiev that the situation was not sustainable and that the losses were too heavy. 

A first detachment reported having been ordered to withdraw. 

Images then surfaced of the last bridge to Bachmoet and a railway bridge in the city being destroyed. With the message “it looks like they are gone”. 

The suspected withdrawal is a symbolic blow to Ukraine and a boost to Russia. But the war doesn't change it.

The official statement is tactical withdrawal. Note the word tactical which means they will withdraw to a new line of defence and possibly stage a counter offensive after the withdrawal. It is same as Russia a few months back when they are surrounded they made a tactical withdrawal only to refocus back on the Donbas region later.

(04-03-2023, 12:49 PM)sgh Wrote:  The official statement is tactical withdrawal. Note the word tactical which means they will withdraw to a new line of defence and possibly stage a counter offensive after the withdrawal. It is same as Russia a few months back when they are surrounded they made a tactical withdrawal only to refocus back on the Donbas region later.
US is sending "ammunition for Bradley Infantry Fighting Vehicles, Armoured Vehicle Launched Bridges, demolitions munitions and equipment, and other maintenance, training and support". Worth USS400mil

Battle for ruined city be Putin soldiers on Ukraine territory. Bkahmut

Bkahmut battle, latest update

Ukrainian servicemen load a 152 mm shell into a Msta-B howitzer to fire toward Russian positions, near the frontline town of Bakhmut on March 2, 2023,

Reznikov writes his country’s forces are "only firing a fifth of the rounds they could" because of a lack of supplies. The request far exceeds the help the EU is discussing to sending.

Reznikov say artillery plays a “crucial role in eliminating the enemy’s military power.” On average, Ukraine was firing 110,000 155mm-calibre shells a month, he says — a quarter of the amount used by Russia.

"Ammunition availability might be the single most important factor that determines the course of the war in 2023,

Ukraine if desperate can learn from WWII Jap soldiers kamikaze attacks on Russia positions. Run in and explode and bring more soldiers die together with you if only they swear by Zelensky like what the Jap soldiers swear by their Emperor. But I doubt as now more Ukrainian start to hate Zelensky as their fathers and sons die one by one. Soon will be mothers and daughters turns until all die finish left babies and toddlers.

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