How Can Birds Sleep While They're Flying?

It appears that frigatebirds sleep in the air by resting their brain for short durations -- one hemisphere at a time. In other words, they sleep with one eye open,

Actually, frigatebirds are not the only animal that sleeps half a brain at a time. It's a documented but unusual rest pattern called unihemispheric slow-wave sleep, and dolphins do it, too. A dolphin will shut down one hemisphere of its brain, leaving the other half of the brain to monitor breathing functions and keeping that eye open to monitor its environment. The left eye will be closed when the right half of the brain sleeps, and vice versa.

We humans can actually do this, as well

Nice titties Big Grin

Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine Big Grin

(08-10-2022, 12:41 AM)lvlrsSTI Wrote:

Auto pilot

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