How Rosmah Mansor became Najib Razak’s Achilles' heel

James Chin
06 Jan 2022 06:06AM
(Updated: 06 Jan 2022 06:57AM)


she was grilled by the prosecution about her alleged status as “FLOM” - the first lady of Malaysia.

A FLOM unit was established as a division in the prime minister’s department after Najib became prime minister in 2009. There was no such unit in previous governments.

There were grumblings that Rosmah was not entitled to use FLOM as the title rightfully belonged to the Queen, not the prime minister’s wife.


But she defended the working of the unit on the basis that she was more actively involved with public programmes like Permata, an initiative to help develop the skills of under-privileged children, and took part in public events more frequently compared to her predecessors.

She also claimed that wives of previous Malaysian prime ministers had been referred to as the first lady, including Rahah Noah, her late monther-in-law, who was married to former prime minister Tun Abdul Razak Hussein, and the wives of Dr Mahathir Mohamad and Abdullah Badawi.

The prosecution was hoping to demonstrate that a non-elected person like Rosmah was not eligible to head a government-funded office that looked after her activities.

After all, the wives of previous prime ministers were similarly involved in charitable activities and promoted Malaysia, without the need for such a department.

Those who dislike her probably thought she was comparing herself to the wife of the US president, who is entitled to a separate tax-funded office. But Malaysian democracy does not follow the American political system.

In the UK Westminster system, on which the Malaysian political system is based, the wife of the prime minister is widely regarded as a non-political entity. She does not have a salary or an official office.

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