Global Debt by Country: The Top 10 Most Indebted Nations

Rank Country Debt-to-GDP (2021)
#1 Japan 257%
#2 Sudan 210%
#3 Greece 207%
#4 Eritrea 175%
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“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind"

Table A1: Summary table for the 54 most debt vulnerable DEs
ISO3 Rating1 Spread > 10 pp2 Debt (% of GDP)3 PPGE ($US Mil.)4 Official (%)5 China (%)6 Paris Club (%)6 Poverty rate (%)7 Climate vulnerability rank8
SOM In distress .. .. 2,639 100.0 0.0 75.0 41 181
STP In distress .. 61.3 241 95.8 0.0 14.8 33 146
TCD In distress .. 58.2 2,945 57.3 10.6 5.7 41 179
ZWE In distress .. 67.6 4,577 90.6 35.9 26.9 43 159
GRD 1.0 .. 70.3 498 78.5 0.0 3.6 .. 61
LBN 1.0 Yes 135.0 33,359 5.8 0.0 0.4 .. 86
VEN 1.0 Yes 307.0 69,341 11.2 0.0 5.0 35 58
BLR 1.3 .. 41.2 20,270 82.4 23.6 41.1 .. 26
LKA 1.3 Yes 107.2 37,167 54.7 14.3 15.1 .. 123
ZMB 1.3 Yes 123.2 12,245 53.4 26.3 5.4 49 139
SUR 1.7 Yes 125.3 .. .. .. .. 28 72
CUB 2.0 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 95
LAO 3.0 .. 95.2 10,393 83.9 51.9 7.1 10 145
SLV 3.3 Yes 83.6 10,645 42.6 0.0 3.6 .. 102
UKR 3.3 Yes 49.0 41,519 33.6 0.0 3.7 .. 55
ARG 3.7 Yes 80.6 119,182 25.4 2.5 1.6 .. 74
ETH 4.0 Yes 53.0 29,016 77.6 21.6 4.9 8 164
MLI 4.0 .. 52.1 5,317 100.0 12.0 7.1 30 176
GHA 4.0 Yes 81.8 23,322 39.4 6.2 5.8 10 119
BLZ 4.5 .. 111.0 1,408 58.3 0.0 0.0 20 111
TUN 4.5 Yes 82.0 25,695 70.8 0.2 15.6 .. 60
COG 4.7 .. 85.8 4,803 81.7 43.4 11.5 46 142
MOZ 4.7 Yes 102.3 10,192 94.2 18.6 17.3 63 135
BFA 5.0 .. 50.7 4,023 99.7 2.2 5.1 35 156
ECU 5.0 Yes 62.2 37,816 52.0 13.5 3.4 4 105
SLB 5.0 .. 16.5 124 100.0 0.0 0.0 26 166
COD 5.5 .. 12.7 4,496 97.0 15.0 5.3 73 173
GAB 5.5 Yes 69.5 6,478 55.4 16.8 6.3 4 87
MDV 5.5 .. 123.4 2,843 69.6 31.4 19.0 .. 143
IRQ 5.7 N o 59.4 .. .. .. .. 10 99
AFG High risk of distress .. .. 1,958 100.0 0.0 44.7 19 169
BDI High risk of distress .. 68.6 493 100.0 2.8 8.0 81 160
CAF High risk of distress .. 47.6 447 94.4 5.7 20.1 71 175
COM High risk of distress .. 25.2 258 100.0 36.0 13.5 22 149
DJI High risk of distress .. 43.2 2,354 100.0 57.0 4.0 15 125
DMA High risk of distress N o 101.9 276 77.5 10.4 7.2 .. 104
FSM High risk of distress .. 15.0 .. .. .. .. .. 171
GMB High risk of distress .. 83.0 647 100.0 0.0 3.6 9 155
GNB High risk of distress .. 80.7 709 70.0 0.0 3.5 84 180
HTI High risk of distress .. 24.2 2,027 97.9 0.0 0.0 21 150
KIR High risk of distress .. 17.6 .. .. .. .. .. ..
MHL High risk of distress .. 14.8 .. .. .. .. .. ..
MRT High risk of distress .. 54.7 4,211 100.0 8.1 8.2 5 165
MWI High risk of distress .. 63.5 2,237 100.0 10.5 6.1 50 158
SLE High risk of distress .. 76.2 1,278 85.4 4.9 5.9 38 163
SSD High risk of distress .. 58.2 .. .. .. .. 84 ..
TON High risk of distress .. 44.7 185 100.0 58.2 0.0 .. 168
TUV High risk of distress .. 6.0 .. . .. .. .. .. WSM High risk of distress .. 49.6 394 100.0 39.1 8.6 .. 128
TJK 6.0 Yes 46.5 3,125 83.2 37.1 0.8 .. 75
PAK 6.0 Yes 74.0 78,893 86.6 27.3 14.7 6 147
NGA 6.7 Yes 37.0 29,750 62.5 11.4 2.9 32 130
EGY 7.3 Yes 93.5 98,857 63.3 3.7 12.2 5 100
KEN 7.3 Yes 68.1 33,688 78.0 22.0 13.2 18 144

Thank for the news article

Jippun really jialat Sia

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