Corruption car wash

Corruption car wash

 Meta AI: "Corruption car wash" is a metaphorical expression that refers to a situation where someone or something is trying to appear clean and legitimate on the surface, but is actually hiding corrupt or unethical activities.

The term "car wash" is often used to describe a process where money or activities are laundered to make them appear legitimate, much like a car wash cleans the exterior of a vehicle.

In this context, "corruption car wash" suggests that someone or something is trying to conceal corrupt practices or activities under a veneer of legitimacy, making them appear clean and innocent on the outside but remaining dirty and corrupt on the inside.


All gone to Brazil to do carwash?
[+] 1 user Likes Scythian's post

Swee Keat still cannot find new evidence of corruption in Brazil..

Only US DOJ knew what's goingon
[+] 1 user Likes Scythian's post

need some advice if this reminds us of the usual suspects hiding behind imposters nicks wrecking havoc on SGTalk but acting guai cause scared ban on EDWM loloolololol.... Tongue

“Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth” – Buddha.
[+] 1 user Likes Geneco's post

Why CPIB given KOM 6 CEOs stern warnings if there' evidence of wrong doing or corruption involved?

Why there's no suggestions of counter sue US DOJ guilty  verdict on KOM carwash corruption in Brazil..?

Need some advice on how to make more false narratives and false allegations to hide and deflect away the shame from the expose... Tongue

Operation wash ah wash lololololol... Tongue

But god ish watching lololololol.... Tongue

“Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth” – Buddha.
[+] 1 user Likes Geneco's post

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