How rich you need to be to be the wealthiest 1% in each of the 25 nations/territories

Grace Dean May 19, 2023, 3:33 AM GMT+8

You need to have a net worth of US$12.4 million to be among the richest 1% of people in Monaco


In second place is Switzerland, but it's a big drop from Monaco. You need US$6.6 million needed to make the top 1% in the Alpine country.

Australia comes in third, at US$5.5 million, followed by New Zealand at US$5.2 million and the US at US$5.1 million. In the UK it's US$3.3 million.


The highest-ranking Asian country is Singapore, where you need US$3.5 million to be in the wealthiest 1%, just ahead of Hong Kong at US$3.4 million. In Japan you need US$1.7 million to make the cut, whereas in mainland China it's US$960,000.

In the Middle East, the UAE tops the list. You need US$1.6 million to be in the country's richest 1%.

Brazil tops the list for Latin America, with citizens requiring a relatively low US$430,000 to be among its top 1%.

For the list of 25 nations, please go here

(19-05-2023, 02:22 PM)Levin Wrote:  Grace Dean May 19, 2023, 3:33 AM GMT+8

You need to have a net worth of US$12.4 million to be among the richest 1% of people in Monaco


In second place is Switzerland, but it's a big drop from Monaco. You need US$6.6 million needed to make the top 1% in the Alpine country.

Australia comes in third, at US$5.5 million, followed by New Zealand at US$5.2 million and the US at US$5.1 million. In the UK it's US$3.3 million.


The highest-ranking Asian country is Singapore, where you need US$3.5 million to be in the wealthiest 1%, just ahead of Hong Kong at US$3.4 million. In Japan you need US$1.7 million to make the cut, whereas in mainland China it's US$960,000.

In the Middle East, the UAE tops the list. You need US$1.6 million to be in the country's richest 1%.

Brazil tops the list for Latin America, with citizens requiring a relatively low US$430,000 to be among its top 1%.

For the list of 25 nations, please go here


Here many millionaires 身在富中不知富

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