How's ex President Dr Tony Tan doing during pandemic?

How's ex President Dr Tony Tan doing during pandemic?

Can anyone throw some lights?

The British tabloid called President Dr Tony Tan a " Prime Miniture" 

So, where is "Prime Miniture" today?

relax with tons of money rah

(08-11-2021, 02:24 AM)[[ForeverAlone]] Wrote:  relax with tons of money rah

Ofcoz $$$ he has alot 

As President, Dr Tony Tan did not fulfill his promise to realise every Singaporeans dream during his term in office.

He came and left without doing anything for Singaporeans.
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(08-11-2021, 05:41 AM)Scythian Wrote:  Ofcoz $$$ he has alot 

As President, Dr Tony Tan did not fulfill his promise to realise every Singaporeans dream during his term in office.

He came and left without doing anything for Singaporeans.

So the current one , been instructed to appear " More in Public " as usual attend more on charity events, once a while on trade etc.
BUT AS USUAL " powerless President " End of the day PM LEE the Master. and is CRAP really throw his dad face.

Have to ask ourselves.. Is president a redundant job? Because while president has it's JD, you hardly see the president fulfilling his/her items in JD..

At work, if you are on the payroll, but hardly exercise the items which are stated in the JD, you will probably lose your job soon..

1. I have served the nation in a combat unit for 2.5 + 10 years. I had fulfilled my duty as a citizen, but has the country do it's part for me?
2. I don't know where the threat of CCP is, but I know the threat of CECA is already at my doorsteps
3. I had been called a CCP, JHK, Pinoy, but they never called me a CECA..

[Image: Screenshot-20211108-121207-Chrome.jpg]

elevated to the position of god in some places

(08-11-2021, 12:14 PM)WhatDoYouThink? Wrote:  [Image: Screenshot-20211108-121207-Chrome.jpg]

elevated to the position of god in some places

The British tabloid made him a laughing stock.

(07-11-2021, 11:16 PM)Scythian Wrote:  How's ex President Dr Tony Tan doing during pandemic?

Can anyone throw some lights?

why are we even talking about this Mickey Mouse Useless FARK  ??!!

Enjoying his KFC chicken lah.

But TT was originally wealthy, no need president salary. He was there to block TCB from spying on the reserves only.

Heard he was very reluctant, scared of losing.

(08-11-2021, 12:02 PM)ArielCasper Wrote:  Have to ask ourselves.. Is president a redundant job? Because while president has it's JD, you hardly see the president fulfilling his/her items in JD..

At work, if you are on the payroll, but hardly exercise the items which are stated in the JD, you will probably lose your job soon..
wate millions to keep a president for NOTHING!!

(08-11-2021, 09:51 AM)[[ForeverAlone]] Wrote:  So the current one , been instructed to appear " More in Public " as usual attend more on charity events, once a while on trade etc.
BUT AS USUAL " powerless President " End of the day PM LEE the Master. and is CRAP really throw his dad face.

The President is nominally vested with executive authority, but in practice that authority is exercised by the cabinet led by the Prime Minister.. Clapping

(08-11-2021, 05:09 PM)RichDad Wrote:  Enjoying his KFC chicken lah.

But TT was originally wealthy, no need president salary.  He was there to block TCB from spying on the reserves only.

Heard he was very reluctant, scared of losing.

Winning 35.19% votes i.e. by narrow margin of 0.34%

What so great?

(08-11-2021, 05:09 PM)RichDad Wrote:  Enjoying his KFC chicken lah.

But TT was originally wealthy, no need president salary.  He was there to block TCB from spying on the reserves only.

Heard he was very reluctant, scared of losing.

In some countries, the elected candidate must obtain over 50% of voters to become President.

So, the 2 candidates with highest % in first round will go thru a final round to determine the winner with over 50%>

What he did is up to ppl to judge for the amount of money he received/being paid from the blood and sweat of tax payer money. it's up to his conscious whether he feel it's worth doing his job or ill gotten. Only he can tells. The same goes to current ministers too...

I am just a tiny plankton in the ocean.

Winning by only 35.19%, the candidate  shouldn't have the power to approve or sign legal documents.


Becoz he didn't have more than 50% of voters support.

64% of voters is against Dr Tony Tan.

I would consider vote for anyone who is willing to take more than 50% pay cut. Bcoz imo they only worth this much that also already overpaid

I am just a tiny plankton in the ocean.

(08-11-2021, 06:55 PM)Scythian Wrote:  64% of voters is against Dr Tony Tan.

We will see who will be the next Elected President, cos the current EP is going to end her term in office. Six years had passed in the twinkle of the eye... Laughing

With only 35.19% supporters, 

Do you think all those documents signed by TT  2011-2017 rightfully be considered  null and void?

(08-11-2021, 07:00 PM)debono Wrote:  We will see who will be the next Elected President, cos the current EP is going to end her term in office. Six years had passed in the twinkle of the eye... Laughing

ah long or ah zinc? both are highly qualified

(08-11-2021, 07:00 PM)debono Wrote:  We will see who will be the next Elected President, cos the current EP is going to end her term in office. Six years had passed in the twinkle of the eye... Laughing

2 more years lah

He is in Sg? work at home most likely.

(08-11-2021, 09:07 PM)watchfirst9 Wrote:  He is in Sg? work at home most likely.

He is 80 yrs old. Still work? Long retired.

(08-11-2021, 09:09 PM)RichDad Wrote:  He is 80 yrs old. Still work? Long retired.

not in any director board?

[Image: Qt9Yi.gif]

(08-11-2021, 09:11 PM)watchfirst9 Wrote:  not in any director board?

Don't know. 81 years old this year. Still can attend meetings?

[Image: DGspw.gif]

what're they doing? kee tang?

(08-11-2021, 09:24 PM)RichDad Wrote:  Don't know. 81 years old this year. Still can attend meetings?

Attend meetings only mah....why 81 years old cannot meh.... Laughing

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