How to raise highly successful adults

Quote:    I talked to 70 parents who raised highly successful adults—here are 4 things they never did when their kids were young

As parents, we hear a lot about the things we should do with our kids. But it’s also important to flip that around and consider what we shouldn’t do.

As I researched and wrote my book, “Raising an Entrepreneur,” I interviewed 70 parents who raised highly successful adults about how they helped their children achieve their dreams.

Despite the diverse ethnic, socioeconomic and religious backgrounds, there were four things that the parents of these smart, driven and entrepreneurial individuals never did when their kids were young:

To be really successful, one should have a very rich parent. This will give him/her an early start


Join pap and learn to carry balls.

Funny why adults always tell lies. While we always teach children not to tell lies and admit their mistakes, why between one adult to another, they cover up their mistakes/tracks by telling lies. See this happen so many times. Face?

Best way is still rich papa mama. Laughing


I think most important is to raise children who can think independently otherwise they will just get jobs as civil servants and 9 to 5 jobs like everyone else.

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

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