How to spot the internet brigade

How to spot the internet brigade

Meta AI: An internet brigade refers to a group of individuals coordinating to spread disinformation or manipulate online conversations. To spot an internet brigade:

1. _Look for synchronized posting_: Multiple accounts posting similar content or comments at the same time.

2. _Identical language_: Different accounts using the same phrases or sentences.

3. _Overly aggressive or defensive tone_: Accounts exhibiting excessive enthusiasm or hostility.

4. _Lack of personal touch_: Posts lacking personal experiences or genuine perspectives.

5. _Multiple accounts engaging with each other_: Suspicious interactions between accounts, such as liking or responding to each other's posts.
6. _Accounts with minimal history_: New accounts with little to no prior activity.

7. _Unusual engagement patterns_: Accounts interacting with each other in an unnatural way.

8. _Single-focus agenda_: Accounts solely promoting a specific ideology or product.

9. _Avoiding direct questions_: Accounts evading direct inquiries or engaging in evasive maneuvers.

10. _Coordinated downvoting or reporting_: Multiple accounts targeting specific content or users.

If you suspect an internet brigade:

1. _Research the accounts_: Investigate their history and connections.

2. _Verify information_: Cross-check facts and claims.

3. _Report suspicious activity_: Flag accounts or content that violate platform rules.

4. _Seek diverse perspectives_: Consult credible sources and engage with different viewpoints.

Remember, a healthy online discussion involves diverse opinions and respectful dialogue. Be cautious of coordinated efforts to manipulate or deceive.
[+] 1 user Likes Bigiron's post

Actually AI ish much more likely to take over the jobs of current wumao completely as new generation of AI internet brigade in the future as AI are more likely to do a much better and more efficient job in spreading lies and propaganda to control the narratives than a human do. By then AI would have to become ownself spot ownself liao. Sad

There was a time when the country asked ordinary men to do extraordinary things.

But now, they'll only do it for money.
[+] 1 user Likes Soulhacker's post

Nice titties Big Grin

Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine Big Grin
[+] 1 user Likes p1acebo's post

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