How to transfer funds from POSB to parent's Retirement Account ?

bros.................. Fundance
How to transfer funds from POSB to parent's Retirement Account ? Thinking

can use ATM or AXA machine ? Thinking

can claim income tax relief ?...............if yes, how to claim ah ? Thinking

Cpf online lah

No weapons that forms against me shall prosper
No tongue that rises against me I shall condemn 

Last time heard this “ CPF Hack “

What you can actually use your parents money in the CPF

(02-01-2023, 04:48 PM)[[ForeverAlone]] Wrote:  Last time heard this “ CPF Hack “

What you can actually use your parents money in the CPF

How kena eat free food😊

No weapons that forms against me shall prosper
No tongue that rises against me I shall condemn 

(02-01-2023, 04:47 PM)Lukongsimi Wrote:  Cpf online lah

can enlighten me ?

i no have online banking lah...............scared kena scammed..............

(02-01-2023, 04:48 PM)[[ForeverAlone]] Wrote:  Last time heard this “ CPF Hack “

What you can actually use your parents money in the CPF

use paynow after log into cpf acct
or on axs m/c

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