Hunt: Boris' £840-a-roll ‘gold’ wallpaper already peeling and Truss painted over it

Matt Mathers
Fri, 25 November 2022 at 4:05 pm


The eye-wateringly expensive ‘gold’ wallpaper used by Boris Johnson in an infamous makeover of his Downing Street flat when he was prime minister is already peeling off, says Jeremy Hunt.

Mr Johnson hit the headlines in April last year when it emerged that he and his wife Carrie spent tens of thousands of pounds on a luxury revamp of the flat above No 11 Downing Street.

It later came to light that the work, inspired by upmarket interior eco designer Lulu Lytle, had been paid in part by Lord Brownlow, a Conservative Party peer, sparking claims that Mr Johnson broke spending rules


the “handcrafted” wallpaper cost a staggering £840 per roll.


“We are moving in, as it happens this weekend,” Mr Hunt recalled in a speech at last night’s The Spectator magazine parliamentary awards.


He added: “The massive disappointment was to discover that that wallpaper – this may be a world exclusive – had started to peel off of its own accord and had actually been painted over by Liz Truss. So I will be saying to my children: scratch over there, there’s gold in them walls.’”

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