I Sacked 6 Pinoy Nationals And 1 Indian National On Friday

On Friday I sacked 6 Pinoy nationals and 1 Indian national at the MNC I work at. The main reason for doing so? Fraud.

One of the Pinoys being sacked was a HR personnel, while another was an IT personnel (Indian National).

What happened was that these two clowns had colluded in allowing only their own countrymen (mostly Pinoys) to get into the company.

Long story short, we had put up job adverts seeking fresh hires, however online resumes sent by Singaporean applicants were trashed, while those forwarded by foreigners (Pinoys) were retained.

The IT fella was essentially bribed by the Pinoy HR dude to delete the log files on our SMTP server as well, making it seem as if no Singaporeans applied for the jobs. What the IT personnel didn't know was that I kept another log file separately (disguised as a system file) sent to another server.

When I saw the log files did not match and confronted the IT fella, he still had the gall to concoct some bullshit story; it was only after I threatened to report him to the police did he confess.

More at https://www.bannedsite.com/post/2019/01/...-on-friday

Old story.

You swat one... there's millions more

Old post

Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine Big Grin

Employer should make a police report and there should be an existing law to punish any individual who aided such an unfair employment action?

Not only immediate deportation after serving punishment but fully ban from reentering Sg permanently?

A massive fine equaling to salary already earned by the individual including the salary earned by those employed resulting from this unlawful act? Extended jail time in lieu? 

Sg invested heavily including purchase of F35s as a defence deterrence, so similarly the punishment should be heavy too because such unfair employment action destroys the basic fabric of Sg society?

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