Share yr sacred reasoning

(20-08-2023, 12:09 PM)Niubee Wrote: TKL or NKS. Which one ?
Share yr sacred reasoning
(20-08-2023, 12:09 PM)Niubee Wrote: TKL or NKS. Which one ?
Share yr sacred reasoning
(21-08-2023, 01:12 AM)lioncityftw Wrote: This one...with practical proposals to help commoners, rather than talking of 'uniting Singaporeans' using what ranjiao '5 fingers theory' etc.. LOLTalk only mah ....same like the past from 2011 to now nato...
(20-08-2023, 02:37 PM)Lukongsimi Wrote: The one who is able to win the heart of a gf 30 years younger
She must have seen something good in him ..😊
(21-08-2023, 07:20 AM)Bigiron Wrote: TkL is not truly independent behind got PV Lim Tean and sdp.
(21-08-2023, 08:59 AM)lioncityftw Wrote: Tharman is worse, behind got PAP PM who endorsed him in an official letter some more, LOL. wake up.
PAP keep trying to use the main media to say that the president must be 'Unifying people' and above politics etc. But is actually pure Bullshit. If PAP is really sincere to make it non-political then they would have set rules to prevent anyone who are members of any political party for past 5 yrs for e.g. to stand for election. Then Tharman would be banned and not endorsed by the PM to run.
So in fact PAP is the one making it political while technically only appearing apolitical under the law, LOL. What hypocrisy. Bearing in mind that besides custodial powers, the President can also push and champion for many social causes which are intrinsically linked to PAP-Gov policies. Forget about how the main media cleverly omitted the mentioning of social causes but keep harping about about the president's custodial powers like a puppet as if the position is strictly non-political, LOL.
In fact Halimah has strangely done that recently advocating for rapist above 50 to be caned in her FB posts, LOL.
" SINGAPORE: President Halimah Yacob on Monday (Dec 19) suggested that rapists aged 50 or older should not be spared caning, in a Facebook post expressing her dismay at recent cases of children being raped in their own homes. "
Means this Presidential Election is in fact a farking political position election disguised as non-political only under the law, even more so than a GE which we all know is foregone conclusion being dominated by the PAP regime.
Hence it's paramount that TKL must become the president and once Tharman loses the presidency, means wat? It will become unprecedented; PAP will panic and shit in their pants wondering what the fark happened. Most importantly, it means we are sending a strong middle-finger signal to PAP that many commoners are not happy with their policies and they must not continue to take GE voters for granted. This paves way for better quality opposition candidates to step forward in next GE.
One small step at a time folks, but this is the most crucial step. Else PAP will remain in power at least for the next 50 years. You want that to happen? It's now or never.
(21-08-2023, 09:03 AM)Bigiron Wrote:
(21-08-2023, 09:08 AM)RiseofAsia Wrote: Can’t you see the M Packet goodie is for coming PE?
They just need to “buy” some of the neutral votes.
This group is the baby boomer.
(21-08-2023, 01:18 AM)[[ForeverAlone]] Wrote: vote TKL since Goh cannot qualify
and yes he is right on those plan to vote Goh will vote to him.
Ng is just split the votes , also still PAP people Tharman no need to say is PAP elected president in their own
TKL no doubt is former civil servant from NTUC but ever since he left , from previous GE even come PE he always on opposition and always highlight this current PAP flaws but " standard reply back " as he claim over the years he suggest feedback to Minister of Transport etc blah blah all " standard reply " which is True whenever you email to Govt , they just turn deaf ear yet claim wanna communicate.
DON'T BE FOOL They show on tv , having diagloue session with people blah blah suggest , 90 percent are civil servant themselves ownself suggest
(21-08-2023, 06:38 AM)Bigiron Wrote: TkL is not truly independent behind got PV Lim Tean and sdp
(21-08-2023, 08:14 AM)Bigiron Wrote:
why so many lip compression? and dead star hard stare ?
picload de
(21-08-2023, 10:32 AM)ODA TETSURO Wrote: No need to vote for Tharman because he will be the new president with 61% support.