'I don't want to die': Russians flee abroad after Putin's call-up

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Dmitri flew to Armenia with just one small bag, leaving behind his wife and children, adding to the thousands fleeing Russia to avoid serving in the war against Ukraine.

"I don't want to go to the war," he told AFP. "I don't want to die in this senseless war. This is a fratricidal war."

Russian President Vladimir Putin's decision this week to mobilise several hundred thousand reservists has spurred a fresh exodus over the country's borders.

"The situation in Russia would make anyone want to leave," said another new arrival, 44-year-old Sergei, who arrived with his teenage son.

Looking lost and exhausted in an Armenian airport, he confirmed that they had fled "because of the mobilisation", but refused to give his full name.

"We choose not to wait to be called up," said his 17-year-old son Nikolai. "I am not panicking, but I feel this uncertainty," he added.

More at https://shrtco.de/bCKCJs


The name Dmitri leeminded moi of an ancient game series jagged alliances. Maybe if he stay and give him some proper training he really can become a very capable soldier just like in the game. Sad

There was a time when the country asked ordinary men to do extraordinary things.

But now, they'll only do it for money.


(23-09-2022, 09:46 AM)kokee Wrote:  ton of russian run road, ton drove over to finland & mongolia, all can run over border to neighboring will just do so!!
almost no one will die for dictator putin!!
dictator by force, no freedom & human right!! same to china!!

"I don't die for Putin" Russia protests rage in 38 cities! 

大逃亡!機票停售了,大批俄國人經陸路漏夜逃至蒙古!俄國爆發反戰示威浪潮 |

already said 50x here, never ever die for dictator, china & russia!
fight such meaningless war just to fulfill dictator wet dream & empire!
invade others yet lost till almost 80k of russia army died & almost 150k seriously injured, now no more army! LOL LOL!
why dont these evil send all their family starting from 1st day to front line including themselves!
real bastard, fight day & night like all comie dogs here!! real brainless to be dictator slavery here!

(23-09-2022, 04:37 PM)Teeth53 Wrote:  https://youtube.com/shorts/fXMmR7Dl0xQ?feature=share


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