I'm a career expert - this is how to tell if you have a toxic boss

I'm a career expert - this is how to tell if you have a toxic boss and what you can do to avoid falling victim to gaslighting

Read: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/artic...hannel=rss&ns_campaign=1490&ito=1490

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Toxic bosses are extremely insecure individuals who need to have sub-standard subordinates around them. Anyone who has worked in an office has witnessed this phenomenon. An insecure leader's greatest fear is not that the business may be unsuccessful. His ultimate fear is that capable staff may be a threat to his position. Mediocre employees get promoted to higher positions because they do not pose the same threat to the paranoid boss. 

This basic philosophy to have the most skilled and driven at the top appears to be lost to most companies. In unhealthy workplaces, it is not uncommon to have workers with the best ideas overlooked for advancement while the mediocre or even underperforming employees get promoted by insecure and toxic bosses.

It is surprising that many bosses hire deputies based more on existing personal relationships rather than qualifications. As trust is the most important driver of staff engagement, transplanting friends into senior positions without the requisite aptitude and industry experience is risky. There is no room for debate between the toxic management and the rank and file in such companies. Any difference of opinion is seen as dissent and a direct challenge to authority.

Well we see how it is done with Umbrage. Talent or kawan kawan?

(14-04-2024, 01:34 PM)sgh Wrote:  Well we see how it is done with Umbrage. Talent or kawan kawan?

Mr Umbrage has absolutely no talent or it is so deeply hidden that none of us are able to see it. LOL! 

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