I noticed Ang mo got Positive attitude.

See many of them feel positive even they are poor , got bad politicians or even got nature disaster. Quite amazing.

If we , will feel stress here and there even some till got mental problem.

Ang mor got this where got problem liao lah
https://media.tenor.com/3-vwwr7Z6bwAAAAM...istful.gif https://media.tenor.com/vM1X3bHkMGgAAAAM...me-cry.gif

Their mental cases stay behind so you never meet them here

When becum crazy, they'll bring guns to schools and malls. They arent that cool as you think

[[ForeverAlone]] dateline='[url=tel:1693042279' Wrote:  1693042279[/url]']
See many of them feel positive even they are poor , got bad politicians or even got nature disaster. Quite amazing.

If we , will feel stress here and there even some till got mental problem.

That is why 3 nerds here scold people with vulgarities
Their life see bei Cham.
No where to scold pap ,if scold in public people take video n post online Xia suay.

No weapons that forms against me shall prosper
No tongue that rises against me I shall condemn 

(26-08-2023, 05:37 PM)WhatDoYouThink! Wrote:  When becum crazy, they'll bring guns to schools and malls. They arent that cool as you think

JUST minority rah , those are so call already really go mad. Unlike here we do have many mental illness people hor don't play play.

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