The dirty truth of McLaren gal Han Fei Zi

The recent case has once again prompted Singapore to question how the Chinese woman was granted a work permit in the country, and how she managed to work as a freelance hostess in contravention of the permit’s terms.

The case has not only captured attention on Singaporean social media but has also sparked discussions on the Chinese social media platform Douyin.

Numerous Chinese influencers and netizens have actively commented on the case, with some calling on the 29-year-old to adhere to Singaporean laws and urging her to treat all individuals equally, irrespective of their occupation.

Particularly noteworthy is the insight provided by a Chinese influencer from Macau, who has shed light on the reality of China’s “grey industry” and its expansion into other countries, such as Singapore.

In the video, the influencer, known by the name “Macau’s Xiaoping (澳门小颖)” noted that the 29-year-old accused has 250,000 followers on Douyin, yet is described as “presenting an outwardly decent appearance but exhibiting a troubling personality.”

Reportedly residing in a luxurious apartment opposite ByteDance’s headquarters and driving a McLaren, Han Feizi’s extravagant lifestyle has come under scrutiny.

In a previous statement dated 13th October, the Singapore Police Force (SPF) revealed that on October 3rd, Han was allegedly inebriated and was escorted by The Sail at Marina Bay’s security team to her unit.


I wonder if any of our ministers is her client.

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