I think China now " itchy " wanna take taiwan

just like Russia currently doing

They no guts la. They enjoying prosperity now. Make money first. When their GDP drops to 2% maybe they consider attack Taiwan

(06-03-2022, 11:23 AM)Sharexchange Wrote:  They no guts la. They enjoying prosperity now. Make money first.

Well, in future " hard to say " .

You going to lead the battle?

China secretly enjoying Russia invasion into Ukraine. They are watching and learning from Russia.

[Image: 42-CA7203-B9-C8-441-D-9011-982634-B9430-A.jpg]

China lower their GDP expectation this year
China never mention about Russia war with Ukraine.
China Again Highlight is One Country and still against so call Taiwan is " independent "

(06-03-2022, 11:24 AM)[[ForeverAlone]] Wrote:  Well, in future " hard to say " .

Could be in coming third term of Xjp. 

Foreign Funds are leaving since two year ago, Tw market is basically hold up by their govt pension funds
and now mainly retail investors. Very scary to hold at such high price.

(06-03-2022, 11:48 AM)watchfirst9 Wrote:  Could be in coming third term of Xjp. 

Foreign Funds are leaving since two year ago, Tw market is basically hold up by their govt pension funds
and now mainly retail investors. Very scary to hold at such high price.

Actually now got war also life just go on , of course will affect global market, supplies etc life will be getting harder no doubt but nevertheless now a days War not like WW2

now can crease fire talks how to settle , etc etc not like WW1, WW2 just attack non stop till surrender.

That Indian kid do predict 2032 onwards might have WW3 , perhaps is China begin to start war on Taiwan take over.
I feel EPIC is Taiwan media , as we know they always pin point China , another HK history repeat see how they control the media now etc

(06-03-2022, 12:07 PM)[[ForeverAlone]] Wrote:  Actually now got war also life just go on , of course will affect global market, supplies etc life will be getting harder no doubt but nevertheless now a days War not like WW2

now can crease fire talks how to settle , etc etc not like WW1, WW2 just attack non stop till surrender.

That Indian kid do predict 2032 onwards might have WW3 , perhaps is China begin to start war on Taiwan take over.
I feel EPIC is Taiwan media , as we know they always pin point China , another HK history repeat see how they control the media now etc

2032 is not enough time for Cn to build HSR to Tp  

So 2032 should be another war if you trust the Indian boy prediction.  Big Grin

If we want to have chance to draw our CPF, Sg and SEA must remain war and nuclear free.  
Let the rest of the world to become poor. Laughing

(06-03-2022, 12:25 PM)watchfirst9 Wrote:  2032 is not enough time for Cn to build HSR to Tp  

So 2032 should be another war if you trust the Indian boy prediction.  Big Grin

If we want to have chance to draw our CPF, Sg and SEA must remain war and nuclear free.  
Let the rest to become poor. Laughing

haha CPF??? More likely Gov lock even more. I see now they lock more partly they don't want the future gen more people seeking financial help

Now CPF is more like an asset pass down to your kids, or next of kin depend who you want to give when RIP.

China has two strategies, Beiping or Tianjin model of attack.

1) Surround Taiwan and then start table talk.

2) if 1 failed, all out attack until they come to table to talk. No matter what, must implement China conditions.

Truth in life. Most country takeover are rarely settled on table. 99% on battlefield.

Big Grin


Won't happen soon. They've learnt that they got to survive the sanctions first.

That indian kid mentioned an important date 16 March.
What is going to happen?

(06-03-2022, 11:23 AM)Sharexchange Wrote:  They no guts la. They enjoying prosperity now. Make money first. When their GDP drops to 2% maybe they consider attack Taiwan

If Taiwan declare independent then they'll be attacked.

(06-03-2022, 12:39 PM)winbig Wrote:  If Taiwan declare independent then they'll be attacked.
Its a well known fact.

look at Russia lost in Ukraine war, Russia economy almosy collapse now, China is totally balless now, china now know,no ways china can win in taiwan war now.
Pompeo in taiwan & call for US to recognise taiwan as acountry, china dare not even fark, commie dogs here wil have no chance to see, taiwan will never be part of china anymore.
china start to lick western balls uglily 1 by 1 now, super scared & panic due to his Russia buddy situation now.
china recently kowtow to australia, kneel down to Ukraine, now even US balls also want to lick?
china know once global sanction, freezed asset & stop SWIFT, they will finish like Iran, NK & Russia.
now anyone can fxxk china, they will keep quiet & let you do whatever you want. Pompeo request to recognise Taiwan, china so quiet?





(06-03-2022, 12:35 PM)Migrant Wrote:  That indian kid mentioned an important date 16 March.
What is going to happen?

This year?
Never know Indian boy also study this. Must be the financial war by FED. Big Grin

China has much more to lose than Russia in any war. Entire foreign reserves will be frozen. All key export markets shut. No oil can be imported (except maybe from Russia). See the example of Russia and don't even think about it.

Putin and ah Xi has one thing in common. 

Usually their terms end after twice in office.

Both manage to con the countries to let them stay indefinitely.

(06-03-2022, 01:14 PM)kokee Wrote:  look at Russia lost in Ukraine war, 


Russia lost already???  Thinking Laughing  Rotfl

(06-03-2022, 01:01 PM)Migrant Wrote:  Its a well known fact.

But people still want to twist and turn the fact.  Laughing

(06-03-2022, 01:31 PM)cityhantam Wrote:  Wow!

Russia lost already???  Thinking Laughing  Rotfl

I wanna join you  Rotfl Thinking  Laughing
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No body ever think Russia really start war to be honest.

I think USA, EU , all never expect Russia really open fire. They all thought maybe just " for show park all army there.
Just like NK fire Missiles , than SK , Japan say NK , USA once a while also come in say NK
than case close, after few months again NK fire missile , again SK and Japan talk this and that , cycle repeat.

Daily politics comments here and there..

What I see , Xi want to show the People of China. He is like next Mao, the past great Leaders.
He " might maybe start war on Taiwan take back taiwan " You see once success , Xi name will be a Legend, in China for future gen in China to be respect

Same for Putin , even Kim of NK to show his people look I'm the son I still Mighty like my Dad.

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