I think Govt never implement much taxes on foreigner corporation in SG whereas...s

squeeze a lot from Local SMC , MNC , corporation on the other hand.

Why? Partly foreigner investors always more important for SG. If implement too much taxes on them, they will leave SG and thus no job offer to locals. A lot will claim mostly they hire own foreigners that is hards truths but what I preferring is more on " image " GDP factors.

Whereas local ones, you go close shop your business another new local business will come out.
Daily in fact quite a lot new local business register.

Summary, IS this current PAP is actually squeeze from us local more.

Than squeeze a lot from those rich foreigners come in SG. Partly SG Taxes on the rich is STILL NOT MUCH compare with USA and China , even Dubai etc countries out there whereby they implement a REAL HIGH TAXES on the foreigner rich.

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