I took Paxlovid. I felt better. Then symptoms rebounded. What's up?

That's the so-called "Paxlovid rebound."

According to Pfizer's prescribing guidelines, the 5-day treatment course of 3 pills, taken twice daily, should be started as soon as possible after a diagnosis of COVID-19 and within 5 days of symptom onset.

"I started having COVID symptoms on Saturday, May 6."

"I started taking it Monday morning. And continued through Friday. It leaves a terrible taste in your mouth and also gives some people (me) diarrhea."

"By Thursday I was feeling much better — Friday even more so. A rapid test was negative Friday afternoon. Basically I felt fine, maybe a little tired. A rapid test Monday, May 16 was also negative.

But on Tuesday I started coughing and the antigen test was positive again. In my first round of COVID-19 I had debilitating fatigue, fever, cough and congestion. Now it's just congestion and cough. Feels like a bad head cold."


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