ICJ Verdict - Could have been Sinkiepoor, but PAP is coward, a hypocrite

PAP should have led Sinkiepoor instead of South Africa against Israel on the Gaza Genocide case 

BUT instead, South Africa is the one country that walk the talk on its submission of the RULE OF LAW, which PAP keeps harping on all the time

BUT too coward and hypocritical to put up the case under the Genocide Convention 1948, of which Sinkiepoor is a ratified member

Keep politicizing this thing call Rule-Based and Rule of Law, but when it comes to actually making an impact to showcase its adherence to this mantra, it cowardly went into hiding

Shameful lah, turns out PAP is just a hypocrite, worse than being a nato

How to raise your head high in the global scene when you can't even get this aspect right and to be on the right side of history?

It's a triumph for humanity, a triumph for South Africa and those countries that supported its case against Israel

PAP go fly a kite lah, no face to show, shameful lah

ICJ, Hague, passed the verdict against Israehell for the Genocide case against Gaza, brought to the court by South Africa


[Video from a Time Traveller]
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.17 judges to decide, how many of those are Singaporeans?

As an interested member, Did Singapore sent a team of barristers and lawyers on the judges penal, and contributing to ICJ judgement..?

Singapore abides by international law and rule of law

The final verdict will be known by end of January considering the urgency of the matters on the ground ie faster than otherwise, normal one to three months.

Is there any Singaporeans sitting on the penal?

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