CN: Singaporean lymphoma patient discharged after successful cell therapy

A 41-year-old Singaporean woman with life-threatening lymphoma was discharged from Jiahui International Hospital on Wednesday after successfully receiving CAR-T cell immunotherapy.

She was the first foreign patient to receive a domestically made CAR-T infusion after the treatment first received approval in China in 2021.

The frontline treatment with chemotherapy, radiation and target therapy did not achieve complete remission. Doctors decided to use CAR-T therapy and began to harvest cells on July 19.

The reprogrammed T cells were transfused back to the patient on August 21. Two weeks later, she moved back to a general ward, which meant she had passed through the critical period of her recovery successfully.

What is CAR-T

Chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T-cell therapy is an innovative treatment, which gets immune cells called T cells from the patient and changes them in the lab so they can better find and destroy cancer cells. CAR-T therapy can be very effective against some hard-to-treat cancers and has been approved to treat some kinds of lymphomas and leukemia, as well as multiple myeloma. 

The therapy is typically used after other types of treatment have been tried and failed to achieve positive effects.

Not covered under medisheild life ...

I don't many can afford such treatments. The govt has restricted use of to a list of treatments outside this not coverd

[Image: HoNzHMp.jpg]

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

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