If your antigen test shows faint line this is what it could mean...


I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

Still positive and stay home will do.

Kanna liao
[+] 1 user Likes Kgliangp's post

Dig not enough peesai to test lah

KTV妹妹说,香港人无义,台湾人无情,新加坂人无智 Big Grin

Presently, understanding the protocol is for those who receive HRW SMS and ART test positive must isolate themselves at home.  If they have symptoms such as fever, cough, flu or runny nose, they must visit a nearby SASH PHPC for immediate medical attention.  They can go out only when they are ART test negative indicating they have recovered.   


For others, such as doing the self-tests at home or somewhere else,    there is no such protocol or requirement.  This brings about some saying the rules have been changed.  They claimed they can go out and do shopping etc as usual,  not aware that this is very irresponsible behaviour as they can infect others easily.

Trading Economics:  In China, employed persons refer to who performed some work for one hour during the reference period.

poor specimen lah

faint line test again later sure negative

(27-01-2022, 08:20 PM)revealer Wrote:  Presently, understanding the protocol is for those who receive HRW SMS and ART test positive must isolate themselves at home.  If they have symptoms such as fever, cough, flu or runny nose, they must visit a nearby SASH PHPC for immediate medical attention.  They can go out only when they are ART test negative indicating they have recovered.   


For others, such as doing the self-tests at home or somewhere else,    there is no such protocol or requirement.  This brings about some saying the rules have been changed.  They claimed they can go out and do shopping etc as usual,  not aware that this is very irresponsible behaviour as they can infect others easily.
Yes those that are tested positive with the ART,  must be considerate and responsible  enough to remain at home, and not go public places where he/she may infect others.....

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