Inactivated vaccine from Valneva and the alleged inactivated vaccine from Novavax

If you take a closer look at the two vaccines, you quickly notice that the supposed dead vaccine from Novavax is not a dead vaccine at all. Novavax is a protein-based vaccine(a portion of the virus) and artificially produces parts of the spike protein. Valneva, on the other hand, is really a so-called dead vaccine, as it has been used in conventional medicine for decades. So this vaccine is really based on completely inactivated corona viruses.

This shows experts in the dead vaccine Valneva clear advantages over the supposed dead vaccine Novavax. Because, in contrast to a protein-based vaccine, a dead vaccine elicits a broader immune response. 

This is because the vaccine, as described in the Apotheken-Umschau, confronts the body with all parts of the coronavirus.

Both the dead vaccine from Valneva and the alleged dead vaccine from Novavax are currently waiting for approval within the European Union by the drug authority EMA. Currently there are at Novavax there are still problems with the approval because the company is struggling with drastic delivery problems that should be resolved soon.

Valneva is currently in the so-called rolling review process at the EMA. With this procedure, the approval for the dead corona vaccine can be accelerated significantly. The EU Commission is currently satisfied with the study results presented, while those who have not yet decided in favor of a corona vaccination may be changed by the very promising results.

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