India may soon restart shipping vaccines to sharing platform

India could resume deliveries of Covid-19 shots to global vaccine-sharing platform Covax in a few weeks, for the first time since April, two health industry sources said, ending a suspension of supplies that has hurt poor countries.

The World Health Organisation (WHO), which co-leads Covax, has been urging India to restart supplies for the programme, especially after it sent about four million doses to its neighbours and partners last month.

Based on an informal approval from India, Covax officials have started planning allocations of the Covishield shot for various countries , said one of the sources, both of whom declined to be identified, pending a final agreement. Covishield is a licensed version of the AstraZeneca shot made by the Serum Institute of India(SII), the world's biggest vaccine maker.....

Part of an article found in today's The New Paper.

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