Indonesia hunts for hacker selling 1.3b SIM card users' data & taunting officials

Linda Yulisman
Indonesia Correspondent
PUBLISHED SEP 18, 2022, 4:30 PM SGT

JAKARTA - Indonesia's newly formed data protection task force is chasing down a hacker behind a series of data leaks related to 1.3 billion registered mobile phone numbers and 105 million voters, and a log of the President's correspondence, among others.

The hacker, who goes by the pseudonym of Bjorka and claims to be based in Warsaw, Poland, has been selling stolen data, including that from Indonesian state-owned enterprises, mobile phone operators and general election commission, on hacking forum BreachForums in the past few weeks.

Bjorka has also leaked a log of incoming and outgoing confidential documents between President Joko Widodo and the State Intelligence Agency.

The hacker also posted personal data of public figures such as Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment Luhut Pandjaitan and Communication and Informatics Minister Johnny G. Plate. The details leaked included phone numbers, identity numbers, and vaccine numbers.

The day after a senior informatics applications official appealed to Bjorka to stop leaking Indonesians' personal data at a press conference on Sept 5, the hacker boldly told the government to "stop being an idiot" in a BreachForums post.

Bjorka's intention, the hacker said in a tweet on Sept 10, was to show how easy it is "to get into various doors due to a terrible data protection policy", "primarily if it is managed by the government".

On Twitter, Bjorka also said those investigating the hacking would not know where to start looking, and taunted public figures such as State-Owned Enterprises Minister Erick Thohir, telling him to give up his presidency hopes.

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