Indoor Playground At Seletar Mall Closes Suddenly, Parents Feel Cheated

The Happy Castle indoor playground at Seletar Mall has allegedly closed on 22 August 2019, without prior notice, leaving many parents in Singapore feeling upset and cheated.

It was said that some parents had been encouraged to buy packages very recently—not being informed of the impending closure.

Mummy Carol Chin’s Facebook post on 22 August that brought the incident to light.

They made a lot of mummies (I’m one of them, unfortunately) to sign package and gave news that they are expanding with a few new locations.

Just last week we went to use our package and signed a new 20 hours one because Aly enjoys it a lot! Sooo angry now!” she wrote.

A lot more at

If they cannot revive they can simply close customer should blame them for losing some money on their tickets...much of this is unforeseen, the company is not out to scam...

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

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