Inspector general report paints a ‘bleak’ portrait of 20 years in Afghanistan


08/17/2021 12:17 PM EDT

The Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction painted a troubling picture of America’s 20 years in Afghanistan on Tuesday, concluding that the U.S. government consistently underestimated the time required to rebuild the country and misunderstood its context during America's longest war.


The report was based on 13 years of oversight work, including 760 interviews with people such as current and former policymakers, military officers and experts.


SIGAR’s report found that the U.S. government “consistently underestimated the amount of time required to rebuild Afghanistan and created unrealistic timelines and expectations that prioritized spending quickly,” which resulted in increased corruption and decreased effectiveness.


The report also found that the U.S. government did not understand the Afghan context, including socially, culturally and politically. Additionally, the SIGAR said that “U.S. officials rarely had even a mediocre understanding of the Afghan environment, much less how it was responding to U.S. interventions,” and that this ignorance often came from a “willful disregard for information that may have been available.”


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