Intel Delaying German Factory Start, Wants More Subsidies

The plant is central to German and European Union plans to strengthen the continent's resilience by doing more manufacturing locally after the COVID-19 pandemic and Russia's invasion of Ukraine highlighted the risks of long, globe-spanning supply chains.

But the newspaper said that surging energy and raw materials prices had upset the U.S. company's original calculations. Where Intel had originally budgeted for costs of 17 billion euros ($18 billion), prices were now closer to 20 billion euros, the paper said.

The EU has an ambitious goal of producing 20 percent of the world’s chips by 2030.

The European Chips Act is still moving through the legislative process, but has already prompted a number of companies to make investments, of which Intel was the largest. High energy prices, a market downturn and even subsidies from the US’ Inflation Reduction Act could threaten the plans.

Infineon last month unveiled plans for a 5 billion euro new factory in the eastern German city of Dresden, as Europe races to reduce its reliance on semiconductors made in Asia.

Let them close shop lor. Rotfl

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