Are my parents being overprotective, or am I overthinking it?

As the title suggests, I don't know whether my parents (especially my mum) are being overprotective of me.

For starters, I only learnt how to get home on my own when I was studying in Secondary 2. And no, I ain't kidding. The reason? Because mummy dearest was somehow very afraid I might lose my way owing to a nascent, still inadequate sense of direction. Fair enough, I can live with that.

Next, I was only permitted to hang out with friends without parental supervision beginning the end of last year, although both my folks once again lingered in the same shopping mall as my bestie and I when we caught the Barbie movie together earlier this July (they didn't outright intrude, hence I couldn't say I really was mad at them - then again it got me concerned how they were willing to drop everything at work just to follow me around). 

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Dont always point finger at parents.
It is you yourself does not show independency to your parents. From now onwards, make your bed when you wake up, sweep the floor if the floor is dirty and cook your meal.

I already gone to school myself when I was in Pri 2 lah  Rotfl
I still remembered after school, I would go to the drain to catch fishes, tadpoles and grasshoppers along the way from school to home. Sometimes if Unlucky, might chase after by strayed dogs. I still remembered one of my classmates was bitten by a strayed dog. Really very kayu.

“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind"

Maybe your parents also asking why my child secondary school still cannot go school on his/her own?

Over protecting is normal, what you think and appreicate is important.

Ultra helicopter parent spotted
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damn straight!

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