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Kns that Chinese guy so stupid wear sunglass? His card will not be reflect via his sunglasses meh?

(12-05-2024, 12:50 AM)[[ForeverAlone]] Wrote:

Kns that Chinese guy so stupid wear sunglass? His card will not be reflect via his sunglasses meh?

People play poker where got open card in front of their face until can be reflected. They just slip the cover card slightly and peep quickly then closed the cards.   Rolleyes

 Thinking is difficult, that's why most people judge
                    Carl Jung

While I get the confusion about sunglasses at the poker table, it's actually a pretty common strategy among players. Some wear them to hide their expressions, others just for style. As for the reflection thing, it's not really an issue since most poker rooms have controlled lighting to prevent that. Personally, I'm all about gambling too! Lately, I've been into online gambling more. It's cool 'cause you get to explore different platforms and games. I stumbled upon recently and had some decent luck there.

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