Is Pinky Lee trying to come out of the closet?

Is Pinky Lee trying to come out of the closet?

It all began with him marrying the closest thing to a man. Then his long term creepy fetish for the effeminate pink color. Wincing away like a frightened schoolgirl when a tiny bunch of firecrackers lit up, the unquestionable gay look when he had a go at the swing enacted at the 2015 Future of Us exhibition (ah yes wearing a pink shirt yet again)........the needle is surely pointing to the wrong side of the queer metre.

Then he was recently seen offering the girliest of handshakes to Trump and Putin (hair on skin standing way up already whilst typing this) at the G20 summit and subsequently sashayed his oooh so sissy ass in an impromptu catwalk upon landing in the Philippines. Of course not forgetting his nephew is ODDLY a strong supporter of the pink dot movement, hey you can't run away from implicative genetic associations. Biology is a bitch, I know. Awww.

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