Is This The Last Anniversary Of Roe v. Wade?

By Alanna Vagianos
01/21/2022 06:00am EST

This weekend marks the 49th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, the landmark Supreme Court decision that protects the right to abortion. It could be the last time reproductive rights advocates celebrate the anniversary of Roe — next year, they might be looking back at the law in memoriam.

The upcoming Supreme Court decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization weighs heavily on this year’s anniversary, which falls on Saturday. The case centers around a Mississippi law that bans abortion at 15 weeks of pregnancy — a direct contradiction to Roe, which made it a constitutional right to access abortion until a fetus becomes viable at around 24 weeks. The Mississippi law cuts that almost in half.

The Supreme Court could strike down the law, which means Roe would remain intact. But advocates and experts agree that during oral arguments last month, the court’s conservative majority signaled that it would likely uphold the law by either banning abortion outright or tinkering with the viability line. Either of those options would effectively overturn Roe — setting off a nationwide battle where some states outlaw abortion and others go to great lengths to protect it.

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