Is rapid Russian attack on Ukraine a blueprint for PLA’s Taiwan plans?

Like that they're showing a lousy example.

(28-02-2022, 11:18 AM)kokee Wrote:  all these moronic commie dogs name calling in thread everyday, have I started once? forum is for everyone to discuss.
both is equally important with sovereignty.
Now I am almost 100% sure, Xi & china has totally balless to attack taiwan anymore after looking at Russia in such shit today.
Xi & china all the time is balless, use mouth only all the time, useless.
With global sanction, freeze & confiscate asset, military support plus Russia lost till pantless now, china is worse than chow ah qua now,if India or japan got balls, easily take down china now.
With this war, Japan want to have nuke now, china panic liao, globally must support to nuke Japan.
Ukraine & Ukraine people use their blood to guarantee china has 100% balless to attack taiwan now.



the best result of this Ukraine war is whole world know ccp china will never dare to attack taiwan anymore, just look at Russia lost till pantless now. China is balles all the time, now? wht the world dont make it kowtow?
Ukraine land link to Russia, also cannot win, a huge taiwan straits plus globally behind taiwan, china 100% no chance to win at all.
also with this war, japan will likely to own nuke now, china & NK will shit in their pant everyday.
let wait for the outcome of putin, will xi balls drop?



Kokee will be CCP attacking commander.


at least it has proven one thing, that's no one would send in their troops to help.


all these commie liars here, just bark lies from their as.s, speechless, they are really brainless or so shameless.
now they can shout no russian army die leh, no country support Ukraine lah, no weapons from all over the world ship to Ukraine, Ukraine lost till pantless now, all cities of Ukraine taken over by Russia.....these dogs here can just spam all these lies allover the forum here to brainwash & con forumers here who are brainess or naive or just believe anything they read. A person with common sense will know, all these commie dogs here lies after lies everyday using all the communist sources of news & videos to lies here, so just shout to con, human? real dogs.
below is just some examples, ton more even from australia & asia, dont talk about 27 country of EU, UK, US & many more.

葡萄牙直接派军队去支援乌克兰! 美国、欧盟要求公民立即离开俄罗斯! 欧盟国家向乌克兰提供战斗机!

葡萄牙直接派军队去支援乌克兰! 美国、欧盟要求公民立即离开俄罗斯! 欧盟国家向乌克兰提供战斗机!

欧洲各国志愿军坐飞机赶往乌克兰参战! 普京的脸气歪了:俄国家电视台播放乌克兰国歌! 马斯克给乌克兰提供星链卫星服务!

欧洲各国志愿军坐飞机赶往乌克兰参战! 普京的脸气歪了:俄国家电视台播放乌克兰国歌! 马斯克给乌克兰提供星链卫星服务!

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