Israel - from a role model to avalanche-like infection

Israel was long considered to have won the battle against covid-19 through rapid and comprehensive vaccination. But with a fourth wave of delta variants in the country, the spread of infection is accelerating, raising questions about false safety and the vaccine's effectiveness, the New York Times reports

Because after they vaccinate they think its all over open up restaurants ...concert...gathering etc.

Then they realised vaccination is not so powerful as they thought.

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

Think once the vaccine is unable to stop the spread, with the high r0, virus will spread to almost all. Vulnerable ones to suffer, including unvaxx, immunocompromised, children...............

Israel opened up without any restrictions plus it essentially stopped vaccinating a few months. 62%+ vaccination coverage is too low to start celebrating.

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