Transgender man dipped prosthetic pe_nis into pub drinker’s pint in Wales

Catherine Lough
Thu, 5 January 2023 at 2:04 am SGT

A transgender man dipped his prosthetic p_nis into a pub drinker’s pint, a court has heard.

Jesse Hawthorne, 30, was asked to leave the pub after fellow drinkers took offence over the prank, but he subsequently smashed a bottle by throwing it at a one-armed bandit machine.

Hawthorne was later arrested for criminal damage over the incident at the Cwtch bar in Caerphilly, south Wales.

This further confirmed my opinion that those into same sex people has mental issues.

First they can’t accept themselves as they were born and after they have alterations, the public can’t accept them as they are.

Though we were told to respect them as they are. What a confused world we are in.

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