Italy: PM Mario announced his resignation today, but President declined.

Italy's Prime Minister Draghi has announced his resignation after a dispute with the Five Star Movement. However, President Mattarella rejected this. Draghi could now try to gather supporters again.Italy is in the middle of a new government crisis. 

Prime Minister Mario Draghi announced his resignation today, but President Sergio Mattarella declined. He asked Draghi to report to Parliament and assess the situation, a statement from his headquarters said.

Despite Draghi's announcement of his resignation, Italy's Social Democrats continue to expect a future with him. "We are working for a Draghi Two to complete the work on the Corona recovery plan, the budget law and the situation in Ukraine in the coming months," ex-Prime Minister Matteo Renzi of the Italia Viva splinter party wrote on Twitter.

His salary 30k? no problem outside same pay.

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