Jacinda Ardern may need ongoing security as she faced extreme threats

UPDATED JAN 25, 2023, 8:12 PM SGT

AUCKLAND – Ms Jacinda Ardern is likely to require an unprecedented level of security for a former New Zealand prime minister, given the extent of the abuse and threats she faced while in office.


Ms Ardern ...... was the target of some of the darkest and most extreme online abuse


Ms Ardern was found to have faced between 50 and 90 times more online vitriol than any of the others. She was mentioned in over 18,000 posts, with 5,438 classified as strongly negative, angry, sexually explicit or toxic.


Ms Ardern attracted backlash for being a left-wing woman in power who “symbolically or otherwise was taking a number of steps to undermine structures of patriarchy, racial hierarchies and structures within society”


the genesis of the abuse directed at Ms Ardern was her response to the 2019 Christchurch terrorist attack in which 51 people were killed when a gunman opened fire on Muslim worshippers at two mosques.

“Her swift intervention in the banning of the assault rifles and the iconic visual imagery of her wearing hijab had a lot of power internationally in both the mainstream media and in online discourses,” Ms Hannah said. “That’s when we first started seeing rhetoric.”

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