Jap bookstores arranges books by publisher rather than author for aesthetic reasons

14 hours ago


if you’re looking for a book in Japan by scanning the shelves for the author’s name in AIUEO order, you’re still not going to find it. Why? Because Japanese bookshops arrange their books not by author, but by publisher.


It adds an extra step to the search process, and you’re a lot less likely to remember the name of a book’s publisher than its author, assuming you ever paid attention to the publisher’s name in the first place. It also means that if there’s an author you like whose works have been published by more than one company, you’re going to have to go scurrying around the store to find them all.


one of the merits of the by-publisher arrangement that most bookstores use is that Japanese publishers tend to have a uniform look for their novels, often using a standardized page size and cover design template to give their product lineup a clean and organized look


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