Japan: Covid, The Fourth Leading Cause Of Death

"Right now, Japan is reporting an average of 285 COVID deaths a day," says Dr. Osterholm. "The highest has been since the start of the pandemic. 

In fact, based on the country's latest average, the virus would rank as the number fourth leading cause of death there. 

As you know, that also happens to be where it ranks in the US at this time, the fourth cause of death, and in the UK, there have been nearly twice as many COVID deaths this summer, as there were last summer, more than 5,700 this summer versus 2,900 last summer. So this isn't done yet."


Wonder if those deaths are mainly elderly or not.

Remember reading somewhere that Jipan vaccination rate ish consider lower compare to other developed nations cause many of their elderly ish ironteeth and don't believe in the vaccination. That why they are still struggling to achieve above 90% vaccination rate to date.

There was a time when the country asked ordinary men to do extraordinary things.

But now, they'll only do it for money.

Since Covid is striking the elderly, the JP health policymakers are probably secretly happy that their aging population problem is getting solved.

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