Japan : Sharp rise in serious cases!


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COVID-19 tracker: Tokyo reports sharp rise in serious cases

Tokyo reported 4,989 COVID-19 infections on Thursday while the number of severely ill patients hit a record high for the capital.

Among the new cases in Tokyo, people in their 20s accounted for the largest group at 1,490, followed by 1,031 in their 30s and 865 in their 40s. The figure for those age 65 or older was 161, considerably lower compared to younger generations due to a higher rate of vaccination.

【全球現場日報】九州淹水影片曝光! 3倍雨量狂灌 房屋淹半層樓|疫情全面失控 日本單日確診首破兩萬大關 @中天新聞 20210814

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