Lab-grown meat maker Eat Just unable to capitalise on Malaysia chicken ban

Lab-grown meat maker Eat Just unable to capitalise on Malaysia chicken ban

Chief executive Josh Tetrick says boosting capacity will take years as sector reaches commercial scale

For US start-up Eat Just, which was authorised in Singapore to sell lab-grown meat in 2020, a chicken export ban imposed by neighbouring Malaysia could have been a perfect opportunity.

But 18 months after its chicken nugget became the world’s first lab-grown or “cultivated” meat to be sold commercially, the lossmaking company’s products are not in shops, underlining the sector’s struggle to scale up production.

“We don’t have sufficient capacity to help solve this immediate challenge,” said Eat Just chief executive Josh Tetrick.

“If your interest is maximising profitability in the early years, you should never start a cultivated meat company,” he said.


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