Jib Kor is a step closer to squatting in jail

Malaysia's Federal Court rejects retrial for Najib, grants final appeal hearing  

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PUTRAJAYA — Malaysia's highest court said on Tuesday (Aug 16) it would hear former leader Najib Razak's final bid to overturn his 12-year jail sentence for corruption, with an acquittal potentially clearing the way for his return to power.

The appeal is the last high stakes court gambit left open to Najib — but if he is unsuccessful he will have to start serving his jail sentence after years of legal wrangling.

The Federal Court's decision to proceed with an appeal, which will begin on Thursday, came after it rejected the former prime minister's plea for a retrial.

Najib, 69, and his ruling party were unceremoniously tossed out of office in 2018 elections following allegations of their involvement in a multi-billion dollar scandal at state fund 1MDB.

The former prime minister and his cronies were accused of stealing billions of dollars from the country's investment vehicle and spending it on everything from high-end real estate to pricey art.

Following a lengthy High Court trial, Najib was found guilty of abuse of power, money laundering and criminal breach of trust over the transfer of 42 million ringgit (S$12.9 million) from a former 1MDB unit to his bank account. 

He was sentenced to 12 years in jail in July 2020, and an appellate court last December rejected his appeal, prompting him to mount a final plea before the Federal Court, where any ruling will be final.

Najib had been hoping the court would grant a full retrial but that request was unanimously rejected by a panel of five judges on Tuesday. 

"There is, to our minds, no miscarriage of justice," Chief Justice Tengku Maimun Tuan Mat said, adding Najib had "failed to cross the high threshold" of new evidence needed for a retrial.

More at https://www.todayonline.com/world/najib-...ed-1970431

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