Kicked out of SWIFT, how they trade with Russia?

Example of Turkey:  

Besides Euro, Turkey and Russia agreed to use Turkish Lira, Russian Ruble, Gold and RMB. But Gold is inconvenient and Lira and Ruble are volatile, so the natural choice is the stable RMB.  

Many countries will follow Turkey's example. RMB huat liao.   

[Image: Ukraine20.png]

[Image: USD220310.png]


No, they will trade using gold

(11-03-2022, 09:33 AM)Stoki Wrote:  No, they will trade using gold

Gold, yes.  

But I pay your goods with gold? One ounce of gold or 1.01 oz or 0.982 oz, how to trade and pay?  

. Rotfl  


They are forced to accept roubles.
In a way they should be happy.
Rouble backed by gold
 Gold up Oil up Rouble strong
 no repothecations for u.
Indonesia now happy Nickle has double and going up.
[Image: Screenshot-from-2022-03-11-10-04-15.png]
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Sanction tioBong

[Image: Screenshot-from-2022-03-11-10-07-04.png]
[Image: Screenshot-from-2022-03-11-10-09-27.png]
[+] 1 user Likes singlon's post

Not so Klaus schwab and his crew like Singapore
Their augmented reality metaverse needs Human energy to feed on to build AI Sophia Robodog like those in Singapore
how to kill Humans now.
repothecations important in the repo markets where pristine assets are needed now operating every other day
engine stalling shaking
Money spent on Covid as Business now Black cloud as Putin inspect Biolabs
[Image: Screenshot-from-2022-03-10-15-46-38.png]
Just 2 days needed to kill Covid19.
Grand Jury needs to 5ti PutinKong
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arr now we can proceed to Nuremburg 2.0 Russia is a state.
The paiKIA in world court cannot play donkey
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[Image: Screenshot-from-2022-03-11-10-24-59.png]

[Image: Screenshot-from-2022-03-11-10-24-11.png]
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